Your Hosts

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Sam Clark

My love for story began in 2009, when I began writing my first fictional piece - an awful and blatant rip-off of Game of Thrones that will (likely, if you’re lucky) never see the light of day. Since then, I’ve come to learn that all great stories aren’t accidental, they’re intentional.

That’s why I wanted to start this podcast. There are enough podcasts out there that rip on bad movies, books, and television. I wanted to make one that celebrated the well told stories, and dissect what writers and audiences alike could learn from them.

I hope that this podcast is both entertaining and informative to writers and non-writers alike.

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Andy Gotelli

I’ve always enjoyed a well-composed story, particularly ones that are character driven and engaging from start to finish. Movies became my obsession from early childhood and throughout my teens, but it wasn’t until my college years that I began to explore the commonalities between fantastic writing and movies I loved.

In an age where podcasts explore media from the audience’s perspective, I thought it might be engaging to speak from a writer’s perspective - to build up great stories instead of tearing down poor ones. I’m stoked for this journey and I hope you are, too!